Other Academic Activities
• Member of Scientific Commission and trainer of Hospital Disaster and Emergency Plans Certificate Trainings of the Turkish Ministry of Health (MoH)
• Steering Committee member of International Working Group:
Task Force Health Disaster Management: Evaluation and Research in the Utstein Style
Task of the Group: Developing assessment tools for health disaster management, creating standards and frameworks for disaster research
1. Meeting: 21-23.11.2012 Goteborg Sweden, host institution: Nordic School of Public Health
2. Meeting: 10-13.6.2013 Oslo Norway, host institution: Norwegian Armed Forces Health Services
3. Meeting: 14–19.6.2015 Budapest Hungary host institution: NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine
4. Meeting: 20-25.6.2016 Stavanger Norway, host institution: University of Stavanger and NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine
PhD Thesis / Co-Supervisor
- Isik E; The effect of living context on relationship between refugee mental health and migration trajectory. Kocaeli University, Institute of Health Sciences, PhD Thesis in Trauma and Disaster Studies, Kocaeli, 2019.
Msc Thesis / Principal Supervisor
- Abohalaka R; Determination of Perceived Language Barriers in Accessing Healthcare Services According to Syrian Refugees Visiting Two Training and Research Hospitals in Ankara. Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences, Master Thesis in Disaster Health Management, Ankara 2018
- Iytemur A.; The examination of views of nurses working at Hacettepe University Hospitals on hospital disaster and emergency plans, Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Master Thesis in Disaster Health Management, Ankara 2017.
- Webinar, 1 June 2022
Organizer: HASUDER
Title of the Speech: Zarar görebilirlik ve dirençlilik baglaminda göç ve afetler iliskisi (Relation of migration and disasters in the context of vulnerability and resilience)
- 5th International – 23rd National Congress on Public Health, 13 -18 December 2021, Turkey
Organizer: HASUDER
Panel: Afet Epidemiyolojisi (Disaster Epidemiology)
Title of the Speech: Afetlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri (Research Methods in Disasters)
- 5th International – 23rd National Congress on Public Health, 13 -18 December 2021, Turkey
Organizer: HASUDER
Panel: Afetlerde Risk İletişimi (Disaster Risk Communication)
Title of the Speech: Risk İletişimi Çalışmalarından Bulgular ve Öneriler (Findings from Risk Communication Studies and Recommendations)
- 2. International Disaster and Resilience Congress, 13-15 October 2020, Eskisehir – Turkey
Organizer: Eskişehir Techincal University
Panel: Halk Sağlığı ve Dirençlilik (Public Health and Resilience)
Title of the Speech: Dirençlilik öğesi olarak sağlık afet ve acil durum planları ve Türkiye’de sağlık sisteminin afetlere hazırlığı (Health disaster and emergency plans as a resilience component and disaster preparedness of the health system in Turkey)
- Swiss TPH Guest Seminars, 12 April 2016, Basel, Switzerland
Organizer: SwissTPH
Title of the Speech: Public Health Aspects of Migration: Turkey’s experience.
- Training Workshop on Risk Communication within the Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases, 7 – 9 May 2013, Ankara – Turkey.
Organizer: WHO – World Health Organization and MoH – Turkish Public Health Institution,
Title of the Speech: Turkey specific case public health event highlighting listening through dialogue – Suggestion from an Istanbul Study on Effective Rick Communication
- Expert Consultation: Health security requires well prepared health systems, 22-23 March 2012, Wien – Austria
Organizer: WHO – World Health Organization,
Title of the Speech: Assessment of Health Systems’ Crises Preparedness and Health Response to Van Earthquakes
- Emergency Medical Services Congress and III. Ambulance Rally, 22-26 October 2007, Ankara – Turkey
Organizer: Ministry of Health, Turkey, Health Directorate of Ankara
Title of the Speech: Multidisciplinary cooperation at pre- and post-disaster phases
Title of the Speech: Public and individual trainings for disasters
Congress Proceeding pp: 166-167 and 192-193
- Workshop: Primary Health Care, Public Health and Disaster Management, 7 – 12 March 2005, Athens - Greece
Organizer: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Greece National School of Public Health, Greece
Title of the Speech: Public Health and Disaster Management Gaps in Health Systems
(2017) 20th World Congress for Disasters and Emergency Medicine, 25 – 28 April Toronto, Canada
Tekeli Yesil et al. (2017) “A New Framework and Guideline for Hospital Disaster and Emergency Planning in Turkey” Prehosp Disaster Med 2017;32(Suppl. 1) p:64
(2017) 20th World Congress for Disasters and Emergency Medicine, 25 – 28 April Toronto, Canada
Tekeli Yesil and Altiner (2017) “Analysis of 112 Emergency Medical Service Utilizations of Syrian Refugees Residing in Ankara, Turkey” Prehosp Disaster Med 2017;32(Suppl. 1) p:81
(2017) 20th World Congress for Disasters and Emergency Medicine, 25 – 28 April Toronto, Canada
Unal, Isik, Sahin, Tekeli Yesil (2017) “Level of Individual Preparedness for an Earthquake among Voluntary Medical Rescuers in Turkey” Prehosp Disaster Med 2017;32(Suppl. 1) p:178
(2016) International Disaster and Risk Conference, 28 August – 1 September, Davos, Switzerland
Tekeli Yesil and Kara “The role of media in risk communication” Conference Proceeding pp: 198 – 199
(2016) ODTÜ 18th Round Table Meeting on Turkish Disaster Management System 25 March 2016 Ankara, Turkey; Hospital Disaster and Emergency Plans, Ünal, Akgün, Emer, Tekeli Yesil, Tezgider
(2013) 18th World Congress for Disasters and Emergency Medicine, 28 – 31 May Manchester – UK
Coskun, Tekeli Yesil, Akkoca, Güleç, (2013) “Health response to the earthquakes in Van Province, Turkey 2011 and lessons learnt” Conference Proceeding p: 129
(2013) 18th World Congress for Disasters and Emergency Medicine, 28 – 31 May Manchester – UK
Coskun, Tekeli Yesil, Akkoca “Health response to A Humanitarian Crises: Experiences gathered from health services provided to Syrian citizens under temporary protection in Turkey” Conference Proceeding p: 184
(2011) 17th World Congress for Disasters and Emergency Medicine, 30 May – 3 June Peking –China
Coşkun, İnan, Tekeli Yeşil, Demirkasımoğlu, Güleç, Atasoy ‘Haiti Experience as an Example of Recent International Humanitarian Activities Conducted by Ministry of Health of Turkish Republic’ Conference Proceeding p: 42
(2011) (poster)17th World Congress for Disasters and Emergency Medicine, 30 May – 3 June Peking –China
Coşkun, İnan, Tekeli Yeşil, Atasoy ‘Disaster Preparedness and Response Activities of the Ministry of Health of Turkey’’ Conference Proceeding p: 100
(2011) ODTÜ 13rd Round Table Meeting on Turkish Disaster Management System 14 January 2011 Ankara, Turkey
Atasoy, Tekeli Yesil, (2011) Activities of MoH Department of Health Services at Disasters
(2010) International Disaster and Risk Conference, 30 May – 3 June Davos, Switzerland
Tekeli Yesil, Dedeoğlu, Tanner, Braun-Fahrlaender What motivates people to take precautionary action against earthquake risk in Istanbul? Conference Proceeding pp: 198 – 199
(2010) ODTÜ 12th Round Table Meeting on Turkish Disaster Management System 15 January 2010 Ankara, Turkey
Tekeli Yesil, Dedeoğlu, Braun-Fahrlaender, Tanner Why are we not prepared? Suggestions for improving the level of preparedness at individual level
(2008) International Disaster and Risk Conference, 25 – 29 August Davos, Switzerland
Tekeli Yesil, Dedeoğlu, Tanner, Braun-Fahrlaender Earthquake mitigation and preparedness at individual level in Istanbul and factors affecting this process, Conference Proceeding pp: 198 – 199
(2007) 15th World Congress for Disasters and Emergency Medicine, 13 – 16 May Amsterdam -Netharlands
Tekeli Yesil, Tanner, Braun-Fahrlaender, Dedeoğlu Analyzing Factors Affecting Mitigation and Preparedness for an Earthquake at the Individual Level in Istanbul Congress Proceeding pp: 102
(2004) WHO/EURO Department of Disaster Preparedness and Response
Workshop: Strengthening National Disaster Preparedness Capacity of health Systems to respond to Crises 13 - 15 July 2004 Skopje – Macedonia
Presentation: Country Disaster Profiles
Member of
- 2. International Disaster and Resilience Congress
Executive Committee of the Congress Eskişehir Turkey 2020
- Türkiye Travmatik Stres Kongresi /TToplum Ruh Sağlığı Boyutuyla Savaş, Göç ve Mültecilik
(Turkish Traumatic Stress Congress / War, Migration and Refugees with the Community Mental Health Aspect)
Consulting Committee of the Congress Istanbul Turkey 2018
- International Disaster Risk Reduction Conference
International Scientific and Technical Committee IDRC Davos Switzerland 2012
- International Disaster Risk Reduction Conference
International Scientific and Technical Committee IDRC Davos Switzerland 2010
- 5th International – 23rd National Congress on Public Health, 13 -18 December 2021, Turkey
Türkiye’de Depremler (Earthquakes in Turkey)
- 2. International Disaster and Resilience Congress, 13-15 October 2020, Eskisehir Turkey
“Covid-19 Salgınından edinilen deneyimler ve Hastane Afet ve Acil Durum Planları (HAP)” (Experiences gathered during the COVID-19 pandemic and Hospital Disaster and Emergency Plans)
- 6th International Disaster and Risk Conference, 28 August – 1 September, Davos, Switzerland
"Integrative Risk Management: Assessments, Concepts and Scenarios" session
- 18th World Congress for Disasters and Emergency Medicine, 28 – 31 May Manchester – UK
“BO-47 Health System Evaluations” session
I have peer-reviewed >50 manuscripts for >10 different journals