Full Publication List

Publications Dr. Sidika Tekeli-Yesil

I have published many articles and chapters in the peer-reviewed literature.
Please click on the Google Scholar or Research Gate link for the up-to-date list of publications, or see below for the list up to 2022.

Publication List

1) Tekeli-Yesil, S. and Tanner, M. (forthcoming) Understanding the contribution of conventional media in earthquake risk communication: A qualitative study

2) Tekeli-Yesil, S. and Ünal, Y. (forthcoming) Earthquake preparedness knowledge and preferred information sources among young adults: evidence from a university campus in Istanbul

3) Inal Önal, E., Okay, N., Tekeli Yesil, S., (forthcoming) The Use of Twitter by Official Institutions in Disaster Risk Communication and Resilience: A Case Study from Turkey

4) Isik, E., Sismanlar, S., Tekeli-Yesil, S., (forthcoming) PTSD, Depression and Migration-Related Experiences among Syrian Refugees Living in Camp vs Urban Settings

5) İnal Önal, E., Okay, N., Tekeli Yesil, S., (2021). Pandeminin Afet Risk Azaltma-Dirençliliğe Etkisi (The Impact of the Pandemic on Disaster Risk Reduction). Resilience, 5 (2) 231-243

6) Abohalaka, R., Tekeli Yesil, S. (2021) Determination of Perceived Language Barriers According to Syrian Refugees Visiting Two Hospitals in Ankara. Turkish Journal of Public Health 19 (2), 92-105

7) Ünal, Y, Çakır E., Tekeli Yesil, S. (2021) Determinants of the Mental Health Condition of Healthcare Workers during the Initial Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey, Journal of Public Health 14: 1-7

8) Tekeli Yesil, S. (2021) Sağlık Afet Planlarını Hazırlayan ve Uygulayan Sağlık Çalışanlarının Planlara İlişkin Görüşlerinin Değerlendirilmesi (Examining the Views, Regarding Health Disaster Plans, of Healthcare Personnel, Who Prepare and Implement them) Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 10 (2), 282-291

9) Inal Onal, E, Ünal, Y. and Tekeli-Yesil, S. (2021) Differences in the Preferences of Information Sources Between COVID-19 Pandemic and Earthquakes Among Young People in Turkey. Journal of Emergency Management and Disaster Communications, 2 (01), 57-68

10) Tekeli Yesil, S. and Kiran, S. (2020) “A neglected issue in hospital emergency and disaster planning: Non-standard employment in hospitals” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 51 (December 2020) 101823

11) Tekeli Yesil, S., Pfeiffer, C., Tanner, M. (2020) The determinants of information seeking behaviour and paying attention to earthquake-related information. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 49 (October 2020) 101734

12) Iytemür, A and Tekeli Yesil, S. (2020). Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde Çalışan Hemşirelerin Hastane Afet ve Acil Durum Planları ile İlgili Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi (Examination of Views of Nurses Working at Hacettepe University Hospitals on Hospital Disaster and Emergency Plans). Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 7 (2), 138-148. DOI: 10.31125/hunhemsire.763162

13) Tekeli-Yesil, S., Kaya, M. and Tanner, M. (2019) “The role of the print media in earthquake risk communication: Information available between 1996 and 2014 in Turkish newspapers”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 33 (Feb 2019): 284-289

14) Tekeli-Yesil, S., Isik, E., Unal, Y., Aljomaa Almossa, F., Konsuk Unlu,H., Aker, A.T., (2018) “Determinants of Mental Disorders in Syrian Refugees in Turkey Versus Internally Displaced Persons in Syria”, American Journal of Public Health 108, no. 7 (July 1, 2018): 938-945.

15) Altiner AO, Tekeli Yesil S. (2018) “Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Utilization by Syrian Refugees Residing in Ankara, Turkey”. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 2018;33(2):160–164

16) Tekeli Yesil, S. (2017) “Sağlık Afet ve Acil Durum Planlarında Genel Yaklasimlar ve Ulkemizde kullanilan Planlar” (General approaches in health disaster and emergency planning and existing health plans in Turkey). Turkish Journal of Public Health, 2017; 15 (3) 233-244

17) Unal, Y., Isik,E., Sahin, O. and Tekeli Yesil, S. (2017) “Sağlık Afet Çalışanlarının Depremlere İlişkin Bireysel Hazırlık Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Ulusal Medikal Kurtarma Ekipleri (Umke) Örneği” (Assessment of Individual Earthquake Preparedness Levels of Health Disaster Workers: UMKE (National Medical Rescue Teams) Association as an Example) DEU Medical Faculty Journal 31(2) 71 -80

18) Tekeli Yesil, S.; Dedeoğlu, N; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Tanner, M. (2011) “Earthquake awareness and perception of risk among the residents of Istanbul” Natural Hazards 59: 427-446

19) Tekeli Yesil, S.; Dedeoğlu, N; Tanner, M; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Obrist, B. (2010) “Individual preparedness and mitigation actions for a predicted earthquake in Istanbul” Disasters 34 (4) 910 -930

20) Tekeli Yesil, S.; Dedeoğlu, N; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Tanner, M. (2010) “Factors motivating individuals to take precautionary action for an expected earthquake in Istanbul” Risk Analysis 30 (8) 1181 -1195

21) Tekeli Yesil, S. (2006) Public Health and Natural Disasters: Disaster Preparedness and Response in Health Systems, Journal of Public Health 14: 317-324

22) Coşkun, A. & Tekeli Yeşil, S (Eds) (2012) İl Sağlık Afet ve Acil Durum Planı (İL-SAP) Hazırlama Kılavuzu (Provincial Health Disaster and Emergency Planning Guideline) Sağlık Bakanlığı (Turkish Ministry of Health Publications) Yayın No (Publication Number): 890, ISBN 978-975-590-438-2

23) Writing Commission Member, (2016), (Version 1) Hastane Afet ve Acil Durum Planı (HAP) Hazırlama Kılavuzu (Hospital Disaster and Emergency Planning Guideline) Sağlık Bakanlığı (Turkish Ministry of Health Publications) Yayın No (Publication Number): 1020, ISBN 978-975-590-590-7

24) Writing Commission Member, (2021), (Version 2) Hastane Afet ve Acil Durum Planı (HAP) Hazırlama Kılavuzu (Hospital Disaster and Emergency Planning Guideline) Sağlık Bakanlığı (Turkish Ministry of Health Publications) Yayın No (Publication Number): 1195, ISBN 978-975-590-438-2

25) Tekeli Yesil, S. (2010) Being Prepared, Vulnerability in Hazard-prone Megacities: The case of Istanbul, Günter Brauch et al. (Eds) ‘Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks’ Vol: 5 Hexagon Book Series, Springer Verlag, Berlin – Heidelberg – New York – Hong Kong – London – Milan – Paris – Tokyo pp:647-655

26) Tekeli Yesil, S. and Üner, S. (2020) Sağlık Sisteminin Afet ve Acil Durumlara Hazırlığı (Disaster Preparedness of the Health System) S. Üner and P. Okay (Eds) Türkiye Sağlık Raporu (Turkey Health Report) Hipokrat Yayınevi, Ankara pp: 1081-1085

27) Tekeli Yesil, S. (2020) Göç Araştırmalarındaki Yöntemsel ve Etik Konular (Methodological and Ethic Issues in Migration Research) S. Üner and P. Okay  (Eds) Türkiye Sağlık Raporu (Turkey Health Report) Hipokrat Yayınevi, Ankara pp: 1155-1157

28) Tekeli Yesil, S. (2018) Yerel Düzey Sağlık Afet ve Acil Durum Planları (Health Disaster and Emergency Plans at Local Level) Pampal (Ed) ‘Acil Durum ve Afet Yonetimi Planları Ilkeler’ (Emergency and Disaster management Plans) Anadolu University, Eskisehir pp:110-133

29) Tekeli Yesil, S. (2017) Afetlerin Halk Sağlığına Etkileri ve Afet Epidemiyolojisi (Public health effects of disasters and disaster epidemiology) Kus and Tekin (Eds) ‘Afet Tıbbı ve Yönetim İlkeleri’(Disaster Medicine and Management Concepts) Anadolu University, Eskisehir pp: 173-184

30) Tekeli Yesil, S. (2011) ‘Home preparedness’ Bradley Penuel, K. & Statler M. (Eds) “Encylopedia of Disaster Relief” Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA pp:305-307

31) Writing Commission Member (2014) Afet Terimleri Sözlüğü (Glossary of Disaster Management Terminology) (2014) AFAD (Turkish Prime Ministry, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency), 2014 ISBN 978-975-19-6271-3


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